Are Assault Treadmills Good?

If you are looking for a challenging and effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, and build endurance, you might want to consider an assault treadmill.

Assault Treadmills

An assault treadmill is a type of manual treadmill that has no motor and relies on your own effort to move the belt. Unlike conventional treadmills that have a fixed speed and incline, an assault treadmill allows you to control the pace and intensity of your workout by varying your stride length and frequency.

One of the most popular and well-known brands of assault treadmills is Assault Fitness, which produces the AssaultRunner Pro and the AssaultRunner Elite. To achieve your fitness goals, you need to focus and work hard. These machines help you do that by offering training programs that vary your workouts and monitor your results.

The AssaultRunner Pro

The AssaultRunner Pro is a high-quality manual treadmill that can handle any level of user. It has a durable steel frame, a low-maintenance belt, and a large LCD console that displays time, distance, speed, pace, calories, watts, and heart rate. The AssaultRunner Pro also features Bluetooth connectivity, USB charging port, tablet holder, water bottle holder, and transport wheels. The AssaultRunner Pro has a maximum user weight of 350 lbs and a running surface of 62 x 17 inches.

The AssaultRunner Elite

The AssaultRunner Elite is a manual treadmill that has been expertly designed to be the most powerful and customizable of its kind. It caters to the unique requirements of professional athletes, home gym enthusiasts, and commercial gym owners. It has a sleek aluminum frame, a smooth-running belt, and a customizable LED console that displays time, distance, speed, pace, calories, watts, heart rate, and interval timer. The AssaultRunner Elite also features Bluetooth connectivity, USB charging port, tablet holder, water bottle holder, transport wheels, and adjustable stabilizers. The AssaultRunner Elite has a maximum user weight of 400 lbs and a running surface of 64 x 19 inches.

Both the AssaultRunner Pro and the AssaultRunner Elite are backed by a comprehensive warranty that covers the frame for 5 years, parts for 2 years, and labor for 1 year.

Benefits Of Using An Assault Treadmill:

The benefits of using an assault treadmill are numerous. Some of them include:

Increased calorie burn:

Because you have to power the belt yourself, you burn more calories than on a motorized treadmill. According to Assault Fitness, you can burn up to 30% more calories on an assault treadmill than on a regular treadmill.

Improved running form:

Because you have to maintain a natural running motion on an assault treadmill, you improve your running form and efficiency. By avoiding overstriding and heel striking, you can decrease the likelihood of sustaining an injury.
Enhanced cardiovascular fitness:

Because you have to work harder on an assault treadmill, you improve your cardiovascular fitness and endurance. You also train your body to adapt to different speeds and intensities.

Greater versatility:

Because you can change the speed and incline of an assault treadmill by adjusting your effort level, you can perform a variety of workouts on it. You can do sprints, intervals, hills, tempo runs, or steady-state runs on an assault treadmill.

More fun and motivation:

Because you have to stay focused and engaged on an assault treadmill, you have more fun and motivation during your workouts. You also challenge yourself to beat your previous records or compete with others.

Drawbacks of Assault Treadmills

Some drawbacks of Assault Treadmills are:

  • They are more expensive than regular treadmills.
  • They require more maintenance and calibration.
  • They can be noisy and generate heat.
  • They may cause injuries if not used properly.
  • They are not suitable for beginners or people with joint problems.


In conclusion, assault treadmills are good for anyone who wants to take their fitness to the next level. They offer a unique and effective way to improve your cardiovascular health, burn calories, and build endurance. They are also durable, low-maintenance, and user-friendly machines that can fit any space and budget. If you are interested in buying an assault treadmill from Assault Fitness, you can visit their website or contact their customer service for more information.