Are Cheap Treadmills Any Good?

Treadmills are a popular piece of exercise equipment used in homes and gyms around the world. With the increasing demand for home gym equipment, there has been a surge in the availability of cheaper treadmills in the market.

However, the question remains: Are cheap treadmills any good?

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of buying a cheap treadmill and what to consider when purchasing one. Let’s start!

Pros of Buying a Cheap Treadmill


The most obvious benefit of buying a cheap treadmill is the affordability factor. A cheaper treadmill can be a great option for those who are on a tight budget or for those who are new to exercising and do not want to invest too much money upfront.


Cheap treadmills are often designed to be more compact and lightweight, which makes them perfect for those who have limited space at home. They can be easily folded up and stored away when not in use, making them an ideal choice for those who live in small apartments or have limited storage space.

Easy to Use

Many cheap treadmills are user-friendly and straightforward to use, which makes them ideal for those who are new to exercising or using a treadmill.

Cons of Buying a Cheap Treadmill


One of the main drawbacks of buying a cheap treadmill is the durability factor. Cheaper treadmills are often made from lower-quality materials and may not be able to withstand daily use over an extended period. This can result in the need for costly repairs or replacements, which can end up being more expensive in the long run. By the way you can also check yourself if your treadmill motor is bad or not!

Limited Features

Cheap treadmills often lack the features that come with more expensive models, such as adjustable inclines, built-in workout programs, and heart rate monitors. This can limit the effectiveness of your workouts and make them less enjoyable.


Cheaper treadmills may be noisier than their more expensive counterparts due to lower-quality motors and construction. This can be a problem if you live in an apartment or have close neighbors.

You can also follow some tips to run quietly on the treadmill to overcome the noise somehow.

What to Consider When Buying a Cheap Treadmill?


As with any purchase, price is a crucial factor when it comes to buying a cheap treadmill. However, it’s important to remember that the cheapest option is not always the best option. Look for treadmills that offer a good balance between price and quality.

Weight Capacity

The weight capacity of a treadmill is an essential consideration, especially if you are a heavier person. You have to be aware of some common treadmill injuries. Cheaper treadmills may have lower weight capacities, which can limit their effectiveness.


The size of the treadmill is also important, especially if you have limited space at home. Look for treadmills that are compact and easy to store away when not in use.

Final Words

Cheap treadmills can be a great option for those who are on a tight budget or have limited space at home. However, it’s important to remember that cheaper treadmills may lack the durability and features that come with more expensive models.

When buying a cheap treadmill, it’s essential to consider factors such as price, weight capacity, and size to ensure that you get the best value for your money. Ultimately, the decision to buy a cheap treadmill comes down to personal preference and individual needs.