Do Planet Fitness Treadmills Weigh You?

No, Planet Fitness treadmills do not have a built-in weighing feature to weigh gym-goers during workouts.

Planet Fitness is a popular gym chain known for its affordable prices and no-judgment zone policy. Many fitness enthusiasts who work out at Planet Fitness wonder if the treadmills there have the ability to weigh them during their workouts. In this article, we will delve deeper into this topic and provide you with detailed information on whether or not Planet Fitness treadmills weigh you.

Do Planet Fitness Treadmills Have Built-In Weighing Scales?

The answer is no. Planet Fitness treadmills do not have built-in weighing scales to weigh gym-goers during their workouts. However, they have the ability to track weight loss progress over time. This progress is based on user input rather than the actual weighing of the user.

When you start using a Planet Fitness treadmill, it will ask for your weight, height, and age to set up the program. This information is used to calculate the number of calories you burn during your workout and track your progress over time. However, the treadmill does not weigh you during your workout.

Why Do Treadmills at Planet Fitness Track Weight Loss Progress?

The primary reason that treadmills at Planet Fitness track weight loss progress are to help users set and achieve their fitness goals. By tracking your weight loss progress over time, you can determine if you are making progress toward your goals or if you need to adjust your workout routine or diet.

Additionally, tracking weight loss progress can help keep you motivated by providing visual feedback on your progress. This feedback can be especially helpful for those who are struggling to stay motivated or need a boost of confidence.

Also read: Are Treadmill Scales Accurate?

Are There Any Downsides to Using Treadmills to Track Weight Loss Progress?

While tracking weight loss progress on a treadmill can be helpful, there are some downsides to using this method. The primary downside is that the information is based on user input rather than the actual weighing of the user. This means that the data may not be entirely accurate, which could lead to frustration and demotivation.

Another potential downside to using treadmills to track weight loss progress is that they are shared equipment. While gyms like Planet Fitness clean their equipment regularly, it can be unsanitary to use shared equipment for personal weight-tracking purposes. This is especially true during cold and flu season or when there are other illnesses going around.

The Benefits of Weighing Oneself Regularly

Weighing oneself regularly can be a helpful tool in tracking weight loss progress and overall health goals. Here are some of the benefits to weigh yourself regularly.

Tracking Progress:

Weighing oneself regularly can help track weight loss progress, making it easier to see how far you’ve come and to stay motivated to continue working towards your goals.


Regularly weighing oneself can hold you accountable for your actions and make it easier to identify when you’ve slipped up. This can be helpful in staying on track and making healthy choices.

Early Detection of Health Issues:

Regularly weighing oneself can help identify potential health issues early on, such as sudden weight gain or loss. This can prompt further investigation and treatment if needed.


Seeing progress on the scale can be a great motivator to keep going and continue making healthy choices. Conversely, seeing a lack of progress can prompt a reassessment of habits and strategies.

Improved Body Image:

While the scale is not the only measure of health, weighing oneself regularly can help improve body image by promoting a better understanding of one’s body and its changes over time.

Better Planning:

Weighing oneself regularly can help with planning and goal setting, such as determining an appropriate calorie intake or workout plan based on weight and body composition.

Improved Sleep:

Studies have shown that regular self-weighing is associated with better sleep quality, potentially due to increased awareness and motivation to make healthy choices.

Increased Awareness:

Regularly weighing oneself can increase awareness of one’s body and its needs, including hunger cues and appropriate portion sizes.

Reinforcement of Healthy Habits:

Regular self-weighing can reinforce healthy habits and promote a sense of control over one’s health and well-being.

Preventing Weight Gain:

Regularly weighing oneself can help prevent weight gain by catching small increases early on and prompting lifestyle changes before they become larger issues.

The Importance of Using a Separate Scale

While treadmills are great tools for tracking fitness progress, it is recommended to use a separate scale specifically designed for weighing oneself. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, treadmills may not be entirely accurate in measuring weight. Secondly, treadmills are shared equipment, and it can be unsanitary to use them for personal weight-tracking purposes.

By using a separate scale, individuals can have a more accurate measurement of their weight, which is crucial in tracking progress toward weight loss goals. It is also more hygienic to use a personal scale rather than shared gym equipment.


Planet Fitness treadmills do not have built-in weighing scales to weigh gym-goers during their workouts. However, they do have the ability to track weight loss progress over time, based on user input rather than actual weighing. While tracking weight loss progress on treadmills can be helpful, it is recommended to use a separate scale for more accurate weight measurements and for hygiene reasons.

Regardless of the method used to track weight loss progress, weighing oneself regularly can be a helpful tool in achieving fitness goals and identifying potential health issues early on. Ultimately, the most important thing is to stay motivated, consistent, and focused on achieving your health and fitness goals, whether you choose to weigh yourself on a treadmill or a separate scale.